Top 10k strings from Bob's Full House (1988)(Domark).z80
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3 xppppxxxxHH 1 |}By>yUUUU 1 xyxxxxyxxHH 1 rt is a "Puck" used? ICE HOCKEY.Wh 1 many events are included in the Pen 1 ity is Bjorn Borg? SWEDISH.Pheidip 1 ^#Vi`))MD) 1 ZXCVASDFGQWERT1234509876POIUY 1 YOU HAVE WO 1 YOU HAVE ALS 1 YOU ARE WALLIED 1 What is the major port on the island of Jersey? ST HELIER.What was the name of the street in which Sherlock Holmes lived? BAKER STREET.What is the most famous ancient druids temple? STONEHENGE.What is the county town of Norfolk? NORWICH.In which county is Stonehenge? WILTSHIRE.On what river does Chatham stand? THE MEDWAY.The Eddystone Lighthouse is off which coast of the British Isles? SOUTH COAST.Which is not a county town Reading Norwich or Canterbury? CANTERBURY.What was the capital of England before London? WINCHESTER.In which London Park would you find a statue of Peter Pan? KENSINGTON GARDENS.Which ancient goddess gives her name to part of the Thames at Oxford? ISIS.The Collegiate Church of St.Peter is better known as what? WESTMINSTER ABBEY.What is the country of origin of the dish "Sukiyaki"? JAPAN.What is "Mozzarella"? CHEESE.What is an "Aperitif"? DRINK.What meat is associated with Horseradish sauce? ROAST BEEF.What is the name of the Italian soup made of vegetables and pasta? MIN 1 WHICH NUMBER WOULD YOU LIKE 1 WHICH CORNER WOULD YOU LIKE 1 WELLDONE YOU HAVE WON A HOLIDA 1 THANKS FOR PLAYIN 1 SORRY! OUT OF TIM 1 SORRY! NO MORE QUESTION 1 REWIND QUESTION 1 QUESTION OPEN TO OTHER 1 PRESS SPACE TO PLAY AGAI 1 PRESS SPAC 1 PLAYER 1PLAYER 2PLAYER 3PLAYER 4! 1 NUMBER OF PLAYERS 1 TO 4 1 HARD LUCK! OUT OF TIM 1 GOLDEN BING 1 GO FOR ALL 4 CORNER 1 GO FOR A MIDDLE LIN 1 GO FOR A FULL HOUS 1 GLOADING QUESTIONS PLEASE WAI 1 GLOADING ERRO 1 GFINGERS ON THE BUZZER 1 COPYRIGHT CREATEL LTD 198 1 CONTINENTS.What feat was first achi 1 BUT YOU HAV 1 BONE CRICKET CLUB.With which sport 1 B0MASTERCAR 1 B ISLES COOKERY PEOPLE PLACES POP 1 A stand for? AMATEUR ATHLETICS ASS 1 the governing body? SWIMMING.Whic 1 ski-ing originate Finland Norway o 1 POTLUCK SHOWBIZZSPORTS L